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Apply for a Stall


Due to overwhelming demand, Stallholder applications are now closed to local businesses on the Green.   


Limited places still exist for registered charities who wish to apply. Registered charities should apply via the form below ASAP in order to avoid disappointment.


Spaces are available to local businesses in the Craft Fair marquee only, click here for their website



Before completing your Stallholder application, please ensure you have read and are able to comply with The Richmond May Fair:

  • Terms & Conditions;

  • Public Health & Safety Guidelines and hygiene requirements; and

  • Requirement to hold and provide the details and evidence (as part of this application) of £5m public liability insurance covering outside events



If you wish to provide catering facilities, food and/or drinks to be consumed at The Fair please contact the Richmond May Fair Committee (“the Fair Committee”) with details of your food/beverage offer, including the size of the pitch you require (metres x metres) together with your contact details (name, email, phone number) and a member of the committee will contact you to discuss your application / requirements Contact us here


General Stall Information:

- We offer the following stall options:

  • Standard Pitch (3m x 3m) £120

  • Double Pitch (6m x 6m) £240

  • Charity publicising work only (not selling goods) £50

  • Charity selling goods (e.g. plants, produce, cakes, tombola) £90

- Stallholders are responsible for bringing their own equipment e.g. gazebos, tables, chairs

- You can see images here from last years fair which should give you an idea of some typical stall set-ups


All Stallholder applications will be reviewed by the the Fair Committee or one of its members.  Stallholders will hear whether their application has been successful within 14 days by email.


Stallholders must ensure their email and contact numbers are provided in case of any queries.


If you have any questions regarding these guidelines please get in touch. We will be happy to help! Contact us here


Thank you!

   The Richmond May Fair Committee

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