Stallholder info for the day
Dear Stallholder,
We are delighted to welcome you to the 2025 Richmond May Fair (RMF). Whether you are a first-timer or seasoned stallholder, we do hope you enjoy the day and experience all the fun and excitement of being part of this wonderful community event!
Please take time to read through the following important information PRIOR to attending the fair.
Please do not arrive before 7am. You have been allocated a 40-minute time slot in the suspended parking bays on Portland Terrace and The Green to unload goods for your stalls. If you have very heavy or bulky goods you MAY be able to drive on to The Green but must speak to one of the Traffic Marshalls (who will be wearing a high-viz vest) first. Access to The Green will not be allowed if there has been heavy rain.
If access to The Green is required:-
- Do not travel at more than 5mph;
- Put your headlights on;
- Use indicators appropriately to warn other drivers of your intended route; and
- When parking to unload, ensure sufficient space for vehicles to pass.
Please listen to the Traffic Marshals and be patient. There are a significant number of stallholders and access may take time.
All vehicles MUST leave The Green and suspended parking bays by 9.30am and stalls to be fully set up for 10am. No vehicle movements are permitted (unless emergency vehicles) after 10am.
There is a large car park at the end of Park Lane (Old Deer Park Car Park TW9 2RA) with a walkway through to The Green - a walk of about 200 yards. The car park can also be accessed directly from the A316. For further information please visit www.richmond.gov.uk/services/parking/car_parks
A commercial tea and coffee van will be in operation by the Control Tent early in the morning.
You have submitted a copy of your Public Liability Insurance but please bring a copy, plus a Food Hygiene Certificate and Risk Assessment (if relevant) so they are available for inspection, if required.
Stallholders selling food or drink must display allergen notices.
No equipment is supplied so please bring your own gazebos, tables, chairs etc.
Your stall number is marked on the site map. This location will be marked on The Green on the day of the fair by a stall marker. You should set up your stall behind the stall marker, at least 1 metre from all public footpaths.
Toilets are available on The Green, as marked on the Site Plan.
Any significant issues concerning the Fair, on the day, (e.g. reporting a missing child) must be promptly reported to the Marshal located in the Control Tent (next to the Cricket Pitch).
RMF Volunteers will also be available throughout the day to assist you, if needed.
In an emergency, call 999.
We are committed to reducing single use plastic at this event. Please bear this in mind when considering things like carrier bags and single use cutlery, cups etc.
Stallholders should not allow waste to accumulate. Rubbish must be collected into plastic sacks and taken to the commercial bins marked on the Site Plan. Once these bins are full bags should not be left on site and stallholders must remove them at the end of the day along with their equipment.
Food and organic waste MUST be removed from the site by stallholders and NOT put in any of the bins on site.
Broken glass must be cleared up immediately and safely disposed of. Stallholders are also asked to clear and dispose of any litter in the vicinity of their stalls – thank you!
Please start packing up promptly at, or before 5pm. Vehicles can be moved into the suspended parking bays for loading and if you need access to The Green please speak to a Volunteer/Traffic Marshal.
Please be extra vigilant when driving on and around The Green as we expect the area to remain busy with remaining visitors / pedestrians. The guidance for driving on The Green in the morning also applies when packing up at the end of the day.